Information for patients

Trophoblastic disease is an uncommon disorder and we hope that the information available here will answer some of your questions.

Newly diagnosed?

Video: information about GTD for newly registered patients.

This short film presents three women’s experiences of molar pregnancy. It captures the shock and confusion that can accompany diagnosis of this little-known condition, feelings of being in ‘limbo’ between pregnancy and disease, and the exhaustion of regular monitoring. It ends with hope as they move beyond the condition, with close to 100% of UK patients cured.

Based on Research by Dr Emily Ross.

You will receive a copy of Molar Pregnancy - Gestational trophoblastic disease (PDF, 346 KB) when you are registered with us.

We hope that it will answer many of your questions but we do realise you may have other questions and concerns.


You may just wish to talk to somebody following your molar pregnancy.

For women who have had a molar pregnancy and who are on follow-up, it is possible to arrange to drop-in to talk virtually to help answer any questions about the condition.

There are a number of online resources you which may also find helpful.

Support Group for Patients

If you would like to meet other women who have also been diagnosed with a molar pregnancy, to share and discuss experiences, then why not attend our virtual support group which meets weekly on Tuesdays at 4pm.

The support group will be facilitated by one of the specialist nurses in Sheffield.

If you are interested in joining the group, please contact us on or telephone: 0114 226 5205

The Miscarriage Association is also offering monthly virtual support groups where partners are also welcome. Email to join –

Video: information about GTN for patients attending Sheffield for staging.

Chemotherapy for persistent trophoblastic disease

A small number of women require chemotherapy treatment for persistent trophoblastic disease. The booklet Information for patients Molar pregnancy - gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (PDF, 376 KB) explains more about this. (Revised Jan 2023).

Weston Park Hospital

The Sheffield Trophoblastic Disease Centre is based in Weston Park Hospital. Their website offers information about the hospital, how to get here and parking.

Other UK trophoblastic disease centres

Contact information for Charing Cross and Dundee.